Lineage Justice

Database Monsters

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Name: Dillo
Level: 32 EXP: 1025 AC: -33 Lawful: -42 Karma: 0
MR: 50 HP: 350 MP: 50 HP Regen: 0 MP Regen: 0
Strength: 14 Constitution: 14 Dexterity: 18 Intelligence: 5 Wisdom: 5 Range: 2
Size: small Weakness: None Tameable: No Type: Normal Can TU: No Can Erase: Yes
Teleports: No Aggro: Yes Poly Aggro: Yes Invis Aggro: Yes Posion Attack: No Paralysis Attack: No
Hard: No Doppel: No Can Res: Yes Damage Reduction: 0 Pick Up Items: No Digests Items: No
Item Quantity Chance
Adena 692 - 1140 100%
Healing Potion 1 15%
Haste Potion 1 15%
Dillo Claw 1 15%
Tail of Dillo 1 15%
Scroll of Enchant Armor 1 1.5%
Memory Crystal(CubeQuake) 1 0.9%
Spawn Location Respawn Delay Count LocX LocY
Diad Fortress 60 - 120 12 32820 32800
Oum Dungeon 30 - 60 10 32865 32863
Oum Dungeon 30 - 60 8 32802 32899
Oum Dungeon 30 - 60 10 32737 32863