Lineage Justice

Server Info

View the server rules, features and information.

Online Players (216)

Royal: 23 || Knight: 67 || Elf: 42 || Wizard: 64
Dark Elf: 8 || Dragon Knight: 3 || Illu: 9

Server Rates

EXP Rate:  12x - until lvl 52
Soft Cap:  Level 73
Adena:  4x
Lawful Rate:  1x
Karma Rate:  16x
Drop Rate:  3x
PC Weight:  3x
Pet Weight:  3x
Pet Exp:  1x
Max Elixers:    5
Max Stats:  35

Server Features

  Most importantly, this server is stable and long term with a guarantee for longevity!
  This server has the most exploits eliminated, and prevention measures in place. Example: You can NOT teleport or use pots while stunned, or paralyzed (unlike other servers).
  Active database monitoring and anti-cheat measures are being tested and implemented continuously. We will be implementing walk-through-wall detections.
  All spells and skills have been painstakingly reviewed, fixed and source code made available for community based tweaking! We even found some spells that did NOTHING on l1j-en servers!
  We do NOT accept donations for items!
  An advanced Market web app!
  An amazing LinWeb app for many out of game features including account management!
  A Database lookup web app that includes skills!
  Daily database backups - hard work will never be lost.
  Added Einhashad buff! (Rested Exp)
  Added Shout of Survival! (Protection from COI ganks)
  Soft Cap wlll NOT be increasing anytime soon

Our Mission Statement

After over 1 year of research and development, we have finally reached a place where we feel comfortable launching what will be the best private server to ever cover Lineage 1. This being the case, we wanted to take a moment to let our player base know a few things about what will be happening here.

We have fixed countless errors with source code, and spent many hours testing and re-testing skill success rates, damage calculation, etc. We have made changes to some existing spells, which you can find in the Magic/Skills section, that we feel are more up to date. The goal of this server is to pick through the updates that were introduced to Korean live servers, and apply them here. Because we won't be making identical copies of the the updates (mainly because some of them weren't well received by the population) this could be considered "customized". We will keep this as close to live servers as possible, but with some personalizations. The additions of our own creation should not change or affect the natural order of the Lineage we all love.

There will be no GM gifting, no GM shop, and no personalized bonuses for bug reporting. We have devised a system that will reward everyone if a bug or exploit is found. We understand the extreme imbalance caused by the aforementioned situations, and that will not be something we participate in. On that note, this is also something we take very seriously. Any exploitation discovered by our staff, and we assure you it will be, will be handled in a very timely fashion. This is not a server that is put up and forgotten about. You will see staff activity daily. We have entirely too much time invested in this project to let hacking and cheating ruin our gameplay.

We understand the group of people who still enjoy Lineage shrinks every day. Keeping this in mind, if you have an issue, situation, idea, or anything that you feel that deserves our attention, we are here for you! Visit our Forum with your feedback. We have several members on our staff, and everyone has their own area of expertise. You will be able to find help, explanation, or solution for whatever you feel needs addressed. It is the player base that makes Lineage what it is, and we appreciate everyone who decides to come and experience what we have created for you to enjoy!

Thank you very much for your time and support,
The Justice Staff