Can you provide any documentation or support into how this worked? Or is this just based on memory.. I am not familiar with this.
Ill take a look at expanding the rankings page, higher count of items, expanded criterias. What would people like to see on the rankings pages?
Test is down atm
Test is down being upgraded to a later client.
Please use this thread to post Quality of Life improvement suggestions. Give your suggestions in point/list format with a brief description, and reason for the QoL (what it improves).
Suggestion 1: Keep pets auto hasted b…
Some changes were in the works, and some issues are still being investigated. There will be some changes coming to address toxicity, trash talking and griefing in the near future. Event will be enabled at some point during a reset on Friday, Ju…
THe problem is if the minority is 2 people.. a 1v1 siege? free castle? I need to understand if there will be people active in actually sieging.
If there is enough server playerbase for this, then it could work. What you have to keep in mind, is that if you are a minority .. basing the castle around your schedule means that the bulk of the players cant attend.. meaning no siege....
Not possible. MR is calculated constantly... when you restart, when you log in.. when you level up.. when you equip items... you didnt lose an MR
Message Kern on Discord with your player name and I will take a look into it.
Change it to the primary. only way. only game.
See at the top of the page, the big word that spells "ACCOUNTS" on the navigation bar? Yah... click that please.
Use the launcher, or update your text files (see download section).
Just a quick and easy fix to ensure that attacking and summons with magic will make the player go pink.
Couple small updates
Server Changes:
- Reload can no longer be used when a broken tower is on screen of the player.
- Fixed Aden siege timer
- Fixed EXP scaling of Ice Cave turn ins.