Siege Times
GM Charles,
I usually play, as well as other players, around 4A.M. - 9 A.M. Eastern Standard Time. Is there a way we can rotate Castle Siege times, so they are not always at 9 P.M. EST? I sleep at 8 P.M. EST.
Or can you add new castle like Kent, Heine, or even Orc Fortress for players who do not play at peak server time at the 9PM EST?
Re: Siege Times
If there is enough server playerbase for this, then it could work. What you have to keep in mind, is that if you are a minority .. basing the castle around your schedule means that the bulk of the players cant attend.. meaning no siege....
GM Charles - Global Admin & Developer - Server / Website
Re: Siege Times
I think I am in the minority (edit) but I think we have a player base for an early AM EST Seige. But the minority still needs some fun. Give us Orc Castle... Make seige time like 30minutes... no long drag out extended seige... Maybe small bonus e.g. ToI teleporter.
Re: Siege Times
THe problem is if the minority is 2 people.. a 1v1 siege? free castle? I need to understand if there will be people active in actually sieging.
GM Charles - Global Admin & Developer - Server / Website
Re: Siege Times
If the reward could be neglected, then there is no counterpart to try it out. To you to decide what a minor reward that could be neglected is.
A try out is always worth it, depending on how much effort required and time is at your disposal. That is.