In celebration of Valentines Day (Week) we will be releasing a mini-event. This event is intended to generate some fun by gambling a repeatable quest for an interesting ring! During the first few hours you will be able to find the reward for your play style, defence, offense, exp, bossing...
Extra Ring Slot:
During this week long event, everyone will be able to wear their normal rings and an event ring! Celebrating the ring slot expansion, each player will get to experience the extra ring slot during the event. At the conclusion of the event, all event rings will be unequipped.
How To Participate:

Visit Lord Valentine in Oren Town (Warp 5) near Snapper, to initiate the quest. After much dialogue confessing his love, you will receive a Letter from Lord Valentine with a request that you deliver it to his missing fiance, Sarah. She who was last seen in the Twilight Mountains! She is profecient in the Polymorphism ability and was able to hide herself as a Giant. To seek out Sarah, you must discover where she is hiding! Attack the giants and you will eventually reveal Lord Valentines lost love, Sarah. Speak to her to receive the final quest item, bring it back to Lord Valentine to complete the final step of the repeatable quest and receive a reward!
Event Rewards:

Unique rewards are what makes this event interesting! You will soon receive one of three rings from Lord Valentine. Each ring has either 1, 2, or 3 random and unique properties to that item. These properties are completely random, and can not be duplicated. If you get a +1 STR as the first property, the next properties will not affect Strength. Spend as much time, or as little time as you wish in Twilight Mountains hunting Giants and gambling rings! Those that wish to gamble their time for a unique ring, could get a 10% Bonus to Experience!
Other Features:
Dragon Lands lockout timer will reset daily during the event!
Dwarf Village level cap increased to 82 during the event!
Monsters will randomly drop Valentine's Day Chocolates. This item works like Diamond of Dragon (+100% Einhasad's Blessing), but is tradable and can only be used during the event.