Lineage Justice

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Name: Yahee Set
Set Pieces:
Helm of Yahee
Cloak of Yahee
Shirt of Yahee
Armor of Yahee
Gloves of Yahee
Boots of Yahee
Amulet of Yahee
Ring of Yahee
Set Bonus (Stats):
Damage Reduction: 7 Weight Reduction 20 Damage Bonus: 5 Hit Bonus: 5 Bow Hit Bonus: 5 Bow Damage Bonus: 5
AC: -88 EXP Bonus: 0 Potion Rate: 0 Hastes: No Poly: None
Strength: 2 Constitution: 2 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 2 Wisdom: 2 Charisma: 2
HP: 150 MP: 125 HP Regen: 15 MP Regen: 15 SP: 10 MR: 25
Set Bonus (Resists):
Water Defence: 10 Wind Defence: 10 Fire Defence: 10 Earth Defence: 10 Stun Resist: 15
Stone Resist: 0 Sleep Resist: 5 Freeze Resist: 5 Hold Resist: 10 Blind Resist: 0