Lineage Justice

Database Items

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Item Material Safe Enchant AC MR
Leather Cap leather 4 0 0
Leather Helmet leather 4 -1 0
Iron Visor iron 4 -4 0
Shadow Mask cloth 6 -2 0
Knight`s Hood cloth 0 -1 0
Knight`s Visor iron 4 -3 0
Dwarvish Iron Helm iron 4 -2 0
Old Helm of Wind leather 4 -1 0
Demon Helmet iron 4 -2 0
Death Knight Helmet iron 4 -3 0
Helmet of Magic Resistance iron 4 -2 4
Wizard Cap cloth 4 -2 0
Helm of Magic: Speed mithril 4 -1 0
Helm of Magic: Healing mithril 4 -1 0
Helm of Magic: Power mithril 4 -1 0
Mambo Hat leather 4 1 0
Royal Crown of Mummy Lord gold 6 -3 0
Cap of Merkyor cloth 4 -2 0
Crown gold 4 -3 0
Helm of Pretender King steel 6 -2 0
Elven Helm of Dexterity leather 6 -1 0
Helmet of Baranka leather 4 -2 0
Helm of Wind leather 4 -2 0
Helmet of the Pretender King iron 4 -3 0
Cap of Baltuzar cloth 4 -2 0
Night Vision Hood cloth 0 0 0
Red Knight`s Hood cloth 6 -2 0
Ivory Tower Leather Helm leather 0 -3 0
Cap of Sema cloth 4 -2 10
Helm of New King leather 6 -1 0
Helm of Yahee bone 0 0 0
Dark Headband cloth 4 -1 0
Bless of Elm leather 6 -2 0
Orcish Helm iron 4 -1 0
Elven Leather Helm leather 6 -1 0
Helm of Infravision mithril 4 -1 0
Mask of Truth wood 0 0 0
Studded Leather Cap leather 4 -2 0
Elven Helm of Constitution leather 6 -1 0
Cap of Caspa cloth 4 -2 0
Helmet of Kurtz iron 4 -3 0
Circlet of Cerenis iron 4 -3 0
Helmet iron 4 -1 0
Blue Pirate Bandanna leather 4 -2 0
Skull Helmet bone 0 -3 0
Pumpkin Mask vegetation 4 0 0
Pumpkin Costume vegetation 4 0 0
Helm of Chaos bone 0 -1 0
Golden Wing of Giant Ant Queen gold 4 -4 5
Silver Wing of Giant Ant Queen silver 4 -2 5
Soverign`s Majesty cloth 4 -2 0
Dwarvish Cloak cloth 4 0 0
Wolf Skin Cloak leather 4 -3 0
Earth Cloak cloth 4 -3 0
Cloak of Mana cloth 4 -2 0
Cloak of Magic Resistance cloth 4 -1 10
Cloak of Arcane King cloth 4 -5 0
Cloak of Pretender King cloth 4 -2 0
Water Cloak cloth 4 -3 0
Cloak of Sea cloth 4 -2 0
Wind Cloak cloth 4 -3 0
Varlok`s Blood-Colored Cloak cloth 4 -5 0
Cloak of Protection cloth 4 -3 0
Red Knight Cloak cloth 4 -1 0
Red Cloak cloth 4 -2 0
Black Tiger Leather Cloak leather 4 -3 0
Cloak of New King cloth 4 -2 0
Cloak of the Aden Knights cloth 4 -3 0
Cloak of Yahee bone 0 0 0
Dark Cloak cloth 4 -3 0
Fire Cloak cloth 4 -3 0
Orcish Cloak cloth 4 0 0
Elven Cloak cloth 6 -1 0
Silver Cloak silver 4 -2 15
Cloak of Death bone 0 -3 0
Tarak`s Cloak cloth 4 -2 0
Cloak of Invisibility cloth 4 -1 0
Cloak of Chaos bone 0 -3 10
Vampire Costume cloth 4 0 0
Cloak of Passage cloth 4 -2 0
Oilskin Cloak cloth 4 -2 0
Ivory Tower T-Shirt cloth 0 -1 0
Shirt of Yahee bone 0 0 0
Elven T-Shirt cloth 6 0 0
T-Shirt cloth 4 0 0
Doublet of INT blackmithril 0 -2 0
Doublet of DEX blackmithril 0 -2 0
Doublet of STR blackmithril 0 -2 0
Leather Armor leather 4 -2 0
Leather Vest leather 4 -1 0
Iron Plate Mail iron 4 -7 0
Ancient Leather Armor leather -1 -14 0
Ancient Robe cloth -1 -12 0
Ancient Scale Mail dragonscale -1 -14 0
Ancient Plate Mail iron -1 -16 0
Ring Mail iron 4 -3 0
Wooden Armor wood 4 -3 0
Armor of Dark Forester leather 4 -4 0
Demon Armor iron 4 -6 0
Death Knight Armor iron 4 -7 0
Banded Mail iron 4 -6 0
Lastabad Leather Armor leather 4 -3 0
Lastabad Robe cloth 4 -4 0
Lastabad Studded Leather Armor iron 4 -4 0
Lastabad Chain Mail iron 4 -6 0
Robe of Laia cloth 4 -2 0
Lich Robe cloth 4 -3 0
Magical Armor of Lindvior dragonscale 4 -11 0
Robe of Dread Queen cloth 6 -8 0
Chain Mail of Magic Resistance iron 4 -5 4
Wizard Clothing cloth 4 -3 0
Mambo Coat leather 4 -3 0
Armor of Pretender King steel 6 -4 0
Cotton Robe cloth 4 -2 4
Splint Mail iron 4 -6 0
Armor of Baranka leather 4 -8 0
Armor of Baphomet gemstone 4 -8 0
Armor of the Pretender King iron 4 -8 0
Magical Armor of Valakas dragonscale 4 -11 0
Leather Vest with Belt leather 4 -3 0
Robe of Black Wizard cloth 4 -4 0
Scale Mail iron 4 -4 0
Robe of Beast Summoner cloth 4 -4 0
Bone Armor bone 0 -5 0
Chain Mail iron 4 -5 0
Ivory Tower Leather Armor leather 0 -6 0
Blue Dragon Armor dragonscale 4 -9 0
Crystal Plate Mail gemstone 4 -8 0
Robe of New King cloth 6 -6 0
Magical Armor of Antharas dragonscale 4 -11 0
Armor of Yahee bone 0 0 0
Dark Robe cloth 6 -5 0
Darkness Dealer Plate Mail blackmithril 0 -15 0
Alluring Dress of Ice Queen gemstone 4 -5 0
Orcish Ring Mail iron 4 -2 0
Orcish Chain Mail iron 4 -4 0
Elven Chain Mail mithril 6 -5 0
Elven Plate Mail oriharukon 6 -6 0
Elven Breast Plate mithril 6 -4 0
Forgotten Leather Armor leather 0 -1 0
Forgotten Robe cloth 0 -1 0
Forgotten Scale Mail dragonscale 0 -1 0
Forgotten Plate Mail iron 0 -1 0
Armor of Death bone 0 -8 0
Hard Leather Vest leather 4 -3 0
Green Dragon Armor dragonscale 4 -9 0
Studded Leather Armor leather 4 -3 0
Studded Leather Vest leather 4 -2 0
Bronze Plate Mail copper 4 -6 0
Armor of Kurtz iron 4 -7 0
Robe of Cerenis cloth 4 -5 0
Tarak`s Robe cloth 0 -13 0
Magical Armor of Fafurion dragonscale 4 -11 0
Plate Mail iron 4 -7 0
Blue Pirate Leather Armor leather 4 -5 0
White Dragon Armor dragonscale 4 -9 0
Plate Worm Rind Armor leather 4 -8 0
Emblem of Chaos bone 0 -6 0
Red Dragon Armor dragonscale 4 -9 0
Robe of Dark Elder cloth 4 -7 0
Armor of Illusion iron 4 -7 0
Leather Gloves leather 4 0 0
Iron Gloves iron 4 -1 0
Shadow Gloves leather 6 -1 0
Demon Gloves iron 4 -2 0
Death Knight Gloves iron 4 -2 0
Gloves of Lizardman Hero bone 0 -2 0
Gloves of Pretender King steel 6 -1 0
Gloves of Baranka leather 4 -3 0
Gloves of the Pretender King iron 4 -2 0
Gloves of Protection leather 4 0 0
Glove of Ice Spirit leather 4 0 0
Ivory Tower Leather Gloves leather 0 -2 0
Snow Gloves leather 4 -1 0
Crystal Gloves gemstone 4 -3 0
Gloves of the New King leather 6 -1 0
Glove of Dark Spirit leather 4 0 0
Gloves of Assassin King leather 6 -4 0
Gloves of Yahee bone 0 0 0
Dark Gloves cloth 4 -1 0
Glove of Fire Spirit leather 4 0 0
Gloves leather 4 0 0
Scale of Death bone 0 -3 0
Gloves of Kurtz iron 4 -2 0
Gloves of Cerenis leather 4 -1 0
Tarak`s Gloves leather 4 -2 0
Power Gloves leather 4 0 0
Blue Pirate Gloves leather 4 -1 0
Glove of Wind Spirit leather 4 0 0
Finger of Chaos bone 0 -3 0
Bracer leather 4 0 0
Leather Boots leather 4 -2 0
Leather Sandal leather 4 0 0
Iron Boots iron 4 -3 0
Shadow Boots leather 4 -2 0
Boots of Dark Forester leather 4 -2 0
Demon Boots iron 4 -3 0
Death Knight Boots iron 4 -3 0
Lastabad Boots leather 4 -2 0
Boots of Dread King leather 6 -4 0
Boots of Pretender King steel 6 -2 0
Boots of Baranka leather 4 -3 0
Boots of the Pretender King iron 4 -3 0
Boots of Beleth glass 6 -2 0
Boots leather 4 -2 0
Ivory Tower Leather Sandals leather 0 -3 0
Underwater Boots leather 4 -2 0
Boots of New King leather 6 -2 0
Boots of Yahee bone 0 0 0
Dark Boots cloth 6 -2 0
Alluring Sandals of Ice Queen glass 4 -2 0
Studded Leather Sandals leather 4 -1 0
Low Boots leather 4 -1 0
Boots of Kurtz iron 4 -3 0
Boots of Cerenis iron 4 -2 0
Tarak`s Boots leather 4 -2 0
Blue Pirate Boots leather 4 -2 0
Sandals of Dark Elder leather 4 -2 0
Leather Shield leather 4 -1 0
Iron Shield iron 4 -4 0
Bone Shield bone 0 -3 0
Wooden Shield wood 4 -1 0
Dwarvish Round Shield iron 4 -2 0
Lastabad Round Shield iron 4 -2 0
Mana Crystal Ball glass 4 -2 0
Book of Magic Powers paper 4 -2 0
Shield of Medusa silver 4 -2 5
Shield of Pretender King steel 6 -2 0
Shield of Reflection silver 4 -2 0
Shield of Red Knight silver 6 -3 0
Tower Shield iron 4 -3 0
Ivory Tower Leather Shield leather 0 -3 0
Scroll of New King paper 6 -3 0
Shield of Faith iron 6 -3 0
Shield of Eva silver 4 -3 0
Elven Shield silver 6 -2 0
Orcish Shield iron 4 -1 0
Shield of the Silver Knight silver 4 -2 4
Small Shield wood 4 -1 0
Armor of Death Piece bone 0 -1 0
Studded Leather Shield leather 4 -2 0
Large Shield iron 4 -2 0
Necklace of Doppelganger mithril -1 0 0
Silver Serpent Amulet mithril -1 0 0
Ring gold -1 0 0
Leather Jacket leather 0 -1 0
Cloak of Sashin cloth 4 0 0
Easter Bunny Hat leather -1 0 0
Easter Bunny Hat w/Carrot leather -1 0 0
High Collie Choker iron -1 0 0
High Raccoon Choker iron -1 0 0
Hakama cloth 0 0 0
Holiday Attire cloth 0 0 0
Amulet of Beagle gemstone -1 0 0
Amulet of Snow Man platinum -1 0 0
Carrot vegetation -1 0 0
Stocking cloth -1 0 0
Armor of Legend mithril 4 -6 10
Boots of Legend mithril 4 -2 10
Gloves of Legend mithril 4 0 10
Helm of Legend mithril 6 -1 10
Shield of Legend mithril 4 -1 10
Unknown Scale Mail dragonscale -1 -12 0
Unknown Plate Mail iron -1 -13 0
Unknown Leather Armor leather -1 -12 0
Unknown Robe cloth -1 -9 0
Unknown Cloak silver -1 -6 20
Unknown Walking Shoes iron -1 -9 0
Unknown Gloves iron -1 -6 0
Unknown Helmet iron -1 -7 15
Unknown Shield iron -1 -9 0
Unknown Doublet blackmithril -1 -5 0
Amulet of the Royalty gemstone -1 0 0
Amulet of the Knight gemstone -1 0 0
Amulet of the Elf gemstone -1 0 0
Amulet of the Wizard gemstone -1 0 0
Halloween Blessing Cap leather -1 -1 0
Hair Clip of Lucidity leather 4 0 0
Red Mask mithril 4 0 0
Helmet for Horse Riding leather 6 0 0
Apprentice Prince Helm leather -1 -2 0
Apprentice Knight Helm leather -1 -2 0
Apprentice Elf Helm leather -1 -2 0
Apprentice Wizard Cap leather -1 -2 0
Dark Elf`s Training Helmet leather -1 -2 0
Elven Helm of %i leather 4 -2 0
Helm of Fidelity blackmithril 0 -6 0
Apprentice Prince Armor leather -1 -4 0
Apprentice Elf Armor leather -1 -4 0
Elven Armor of %i oriharukon 4 -4 0
Apprentice Knight Armor leather -1 -5 0
Armor of Fidelity blackmithril 0 -10 0
Shield of Sheba Human platinum 4 -1 0
Apprentice Prince Shield leather -1 -2 0
Apprentice Knight Shield leather -1 -2 0
Apprentice Wizard Cloak cloth -1 -2 0
Dark Elf`s Training Cloak cloth -1 -2 0
Elven Cloak of %i cloth 4 -2 0
Cloak of Fidelity blackmithril 0 -7 0
Apprentice Elf Boots leather -1 -2 0
Apprentice Wizard Boots leather -1 -2 0
Dark Elf`s Training Boots leather -1 -2 0
Elven Boots of %i iron 4 -2 0
Militia Boots leather 4 -2 0
Boots of Fidelity blackmithril 0 -7 0
Elven Gloves of %i leather 4 -1 0
Gloves of Fidelity blackmithril 0 -5 0
Amulet of Hope mithril -1 0 0
Amulet of Luck mithril -1 0 0
Amulet of Passion mithril -1 0 0
Amulet of Truth mithril -1 0 0
Amulet of Miracle mithril -1 0 0
Amulet of Affection mithril -1 0 0
High Bear Collar iron -1 0 0
Lucky Cat Scarf cloth -1 0 0
Necklace of Light gemstone -1 -1 0
Talisman mithril -1 -3 0
Ring of Hope gold -1 0 0
Ring of Passion gold -1 0 0
Ring of Luck gold -1 0 0
Ring of Truth gold -1 0 0
Ring of Miracles gold -1 0 0
Ring of Hero gold -1 0 0
Red Soccer Uniform cloth -1 0 0
Blue Soccer Uniform cloth -1 0 0
Red Orc`s Mask mithril 4 0 0
Amulet of Glory gemstone -1 0 0
Succubus Earring leather -1 0 0
Ice Golem Earring leather -1 0 0
Soul Earrings bone -1 0 0
Heliocham Earrings gemstone -1 0 5
T-shirt with %i's Strength cloth 4 0 0
T-shirt with %i's Agility cloth 4 0 0
T-shirt with %i's Charm cloth 4 0 0
T-shirt with %i's Magic Power cloth 4 0 0
T-shirt with %i's Physical Strength cloth 4 0 0
T-shirt with %i's Mana cloth 4 0 0
Helm of Illusion silver 4 -4 0
T-Shirt of Illusion steel 4 -2 0
Shield of Illusion silver 4 -4 0
Boots of Illusion silver 4 -4 0
Burning Circlet iron -1 -3 5
Burning Shield iron -1 -7 0
Burning Boots iron -1 -7 0
Burning Gloves iron -1 -6 0
Talisman of Ironclad gemstone -1 -2 0
Talisman of Jiedi gemstone -1 -2 0
Talisman of Secret Maneuvers gemstone -1 -2 0
Talisman of Mercy gemstone -1 -2 0
Lucky Coin gold -1 0 0
Wet Helmet iron 4 -1 0
Wet Cloak cloth 4 -2 0
Wet Armor iron 4 -3 0
Wet Gloves iron 4 -2 0
Wet Boots iron 4 -2 0
Wet Shield iron 4 -1 0
Cloak of Training Knight leather 4 -1 0
Cloak of Training Knight leather 4 -2 0
Cloak of Poison Serpent leather 4 -4 0
Halloween Pumpkin Armor wood 6 -6 0
T-Shirt of Ghost Man cloth -1 0 0
T-Shirt of Ghost Woman cloth -1 0 0
Swimwear Men`s Briefs cloth -1 0 0
Swimwear Men`s Trunks cloth -1 0 0
Swimwear Female`s One Piece cloth -1 0 0
Swimwear Female`s Bikini cloth -1 0 0
Pumpkin Armor wood 4 -6 0
Ultimate Halloween Pumpkin Armor wood 6 -6 0
Belt of New Life blackmithril 0 -1 3
Gauntlet of the Pretender King blackmithril 0 -1 3
Belt of New Life (Wind) blackmithril 0 -1 3
Belt of New Life (Fire) blackmithril 0 -1 3
Belt of New Life (Earth) blackmithril 0 -1 3
Belt of New Life (fire) gemstone 0 0 0
Belt of New Life (fire) gemstone 0 -1 0
Belt of New Life (fire) gemstone 0 -1 0
Belt of New Life (fire) gemstone 0 -1 0
Belt of New Life (fire) gemstone 0 0 2
Belt of New Life (fire) gemstone 0 0 2
Belt of New Life (fire) gemstone 0 0 2
Golden Box gemstone -1 0 0
Earring of Destiny gemstone -1 0 0
Earring of Rifleman gemstone -1 0 0
Earring of Gladiator gemstone -1 0 0
Cloak of Illusionist cloth 6 -1 0
Spellbook of Illusionist paper 6 -2 0
Cloak of Dragon Knight cloth 6 -1 0
Dragon Scale Guarder bone 0 0 0
Crystal Guarder bone 0 0 0
Guarder of Ancient Archer blackmithril 0 0 0
Guarder of Ancient Warrior blackmithril 0 0 0
Wooden Jacket wood 4 -1 0
T-shirt with %i`s Mana cloth 4 0 0
Kukulcan's Mask wood 4 -3 5
Kukulcan's Shield wood 6 -3 0
Elite Plate Mail of Antharas dragonscale 4 -12 0
Elite Scale Mail of Antharas dragonscale 4 -11 0
Elite Leather Armor of Antharas dragonscale 4 -10 0
Elite Robe of Antharas dragonscale 4 -8 0
Elite Plate Mail of Fafurion dragonscale 4 -12 0
Elite Scale Mail of Fafurion dragonscale 4 -11 0
Elite Leather Armor of Fafurion dragonscale 4 -10 0
Elite Robe of Fafurion dragonscale 4 -8 0
Elite Plate Mail of Lindvior dragonscale 4 -14 8
Elite Scale Mail of Lindvior dragonscale 4 -12 8
Elite Leather Armor of Lindvior dragonscale 4 -11 8
Elite Robe of Lindvior dragonscale 4 -9 8
Elite Plate Mail of Valakas dragonscale 4 -15 0
Elite Scale Mail of Valakas dragonscale 4 -13 0
Elite Leather Armor of Valakas dragonscale 4 -12 0
Elite Robe of Valakas dragonscale 4 -10 0
Rune of Melee Attack paper -1 0 0
Rune of Ranged Attack paper -1 0 0
Rune of Magic Attack paper -1 0 0
Rune of Melee Hit paper -1 0 0
Rune of Ranged Hit paper -1 0 0
Rune of Magic Hit paper -1 0 0
Cracked Dwarvish Sword (Damage) wood -1 0 0
Cracked Dwarvish Sword (Hit) wood -1 0 0
Grimey Orcish Bow (Damage) wood -1 0 0
Grimey Orcish Bow (Hit) wood -1 0 0
Broken Elder Staff (Damage) wood -1 0 0
Broken Elder Staff (Hit) wood -1 0 0
Dirty Armor Fragment wood -1 0 0
Old Succubus Boots wood -1 0 0
Rune of Fire Defense paper -1 -1 0
Rune of Wind Defense paper -1 -1 0
Rune of Water Defense paper -1 -1 0
Rune of Earth Defense paper -1 -1 0
Shield of Traitor iron 4 -3 0
Boots of Wisdom cloth 4 -3 0
Helmet of Intense Cold (Blessed) gemstone 4 -4 0
Armor of Intense Cold (Blessed) gemstone 4 -8 0
Boots of Intense Cold (Blessed) gemstone 4 -4 0
Glamorous Tiara of Ice Queen (Blessed) glass 4 -3 0
Alluring Dress of Ice Queen (Blessed) cloth 4 -7 0
Alluring Sandals of Ice Queen (Blessed) glass 4 -3 0
Wooden Jacket wood 4 -1 0
Reinforced T-Shirt steel 4 -2 0
Fortified T-Shirt steel 4 -4 0
Ruby Ring iron -1 0 0
Sapphire Ring iron -1 0 0
Moonstone Ring iron -1 0 0
Carnelian Ring iron -1 0 0
Amulet gemstone -1 0 0
Hand of the Reaper bone 0 -1 0
Cloak of Illusionist cloth 6 -1 0
Dark Elf Tunic cloth 6 -1 0
Dark Elf Sandals leather 6 -1 0
Dark Elf Circlet iron 6 -1 0
Santa Hat vegetation -1 0 0
Valentine's Ring gold -1 0 0
Valentine's Ring gold -1 0 0
Valentine's Ring gold -1 0 0
Souvenir Doublet blackmithril -1 0 0
Talass's Gloves (Blessed) leather 4 -1 0
Talass's Boots (Blessed) leather 4 -4 1
Helmet of Magic Resistance (Blessed) iron 4 -2 4
Mambo Hat (Blessed) leather 4 1 0
Helmet (Blessed) iron 4 -1 0
Cloak of Magic Resistance (Blessed) cloth 4 -1 10
Silver Cloak (Blessed) silver 4 -2 15
Cloak of Invisibility (Blessed) cloth 4 -1 0
T-Shirt (Blessed) cloth 4 0 0
Doublet of INT (Blessed) blackmithril 0 -2 0
Doublet of DEX (Blessed) blackmithril 0 -2 0
Doublet of STR (Blessed) blackmithril 0 -2 0
Splint Mail (Blessed) iron 4 -6 0
Mambo Coat (Blessed) leather 4 -3 0
Crystal Plate Mail (Blessed) gemstone 4 -8 0
Elven Chain Mail (Blessed) mithril 6 -5 0
Bronze Plate Mail (Blessed) copper 4 -6 0
Plate Mail (Blessed) iron 4 -7 0
Gloves (Blessed) leather 4 0 0
Large Shield (Blessed) iron 4 -2 0
Empowered Death Knight Helmet (Blessed) iron 4 -3 0
Empowered Death Knight Armor (Blessed) iron 4 -7 0
Empowered Death Knight Gloves (Blessed) iron 4 -2 0
Empowered Death Knight Boots (Blessed) iron 4 -3 0
Empowered Dark Elf Tunic (Blessed) cloth 6 -1 0
Empowered Dark Elf Sandals (Blessed) leather 6 -1 0
Empowered Dark Elf Circlet (Blessed) iron 6 -1 0
Orcish Helm (Cursed) iron 4 -1 0
Helmet (Cursed) iron 4 -1 0
Cloak of Magic Resistance (Cursed) cloth 4 -1 10
Banded Mail (Cursed) iron 4 -6 0
Splint Mail (Cursed) iron 4 -6 0
Scale Mail (Cursed) iron 4 -4 0
Chain Mail (Cursed) iron 4 -5 0
Orcish Ring Mail (Cursed) iron 4 -2 0
Orcish Chain Mail (Cursed) iron 4 -4 0
Studded Leather Armor (Cursed) leather 4 -3 0
Plate Mail (Cursed) iron 4 -7 0
Low Boots (Cursed) leather 4 -1 0
Orcish Shield (Cursed) iron 4 -1 0
Aden Royal Guard Turban cloth -1 0 0
Aden Royal Guard Turban cloth -1 0 0
Aden Royal Guard Turban cloth -1 0 0
Black Wizard Turban cloth -1 0 0
Black Wizard Turban cloth -1 0 0
Black Wizard Turban cloth -1 0 0
Harpy Turban cloth -1 0 0
Harpy Turban cloth -1 0 0
Harpy Turban cloth -1 0 0
Captain Drake Turban cloth -1 0 0
Captain Drake Turban cloth -1 0 0
Captain Drake Turban cloth -1 0 0
Iris Turban cloth -1 0 0
Iris Turban cloth -1 0 0
Iris Turban cloth -1 0 0
Knight Vald Turban cloth -1 0 0
Knight Vald Turban cloth -1 0 0
Knight Vald Turban cloth -1 0 0
Succubus Queen Turban cloth -1 0 0
Succubus Queen Turban cloth -1 0 0
Succubus Queen Turban cloth -1 0 0
Sky Knight Turban cloth 0 -7 5
Sky Knight Turban cloth 0 -7 5
Sky Knight Turban cloth 0 -7 5
Gloves of Blue Sky cloth 7 -3 0
Gloves of Blue Sky cloth 7 -3 0
Gloves of Blue Sky cloth 7 -3 0
Cloak of Blue Sky cloth 7 -2 0
Cloak of Blue Sky cloth 7 -2 0
Cloak of Blue Sky cloth 7 -2 0
Boots of Blue Sky cloth 7 -3 0
Boots of Blue Sky cloth 7 -3 0
Boots of Blue Sky cloth 7 -3 0
Robe of Blue Sky cloth 7 -4 0
Robe of Blue Sky cloth 7 -4 0
Robe of Blue Sky cloth 7 -4 0
Plate Armor of Blue Sky iron 7 -8 0
Plate Armor of Blue Sky iron 7 -8 0
Plate Armor of Blue Sky iron 7 -8 0
Leather Armor of Blue Sky leather 7 -6 0
Leather Armor of Blue Sky leather 7 -6 0
Leather Armor of Blue Sky leather 7 -6 0
Headband of Blue Sky cloth 7 -3 0
Headband of Blue Sky cloth 7 -3 0
Headband of Blue Sky cloth 7 -3 0
Ring of Blue Sky gold -1 0 5
Earring of Blue Sky gold -1 0 0
Amulet of Blue Sky gold -1 -1 0
10th Anniversary Golden Decoration cloth 6 0 0
10th Anniversary Silver Decoration cloth 6 0 0
%i's Stun Resist T-Shirt leather 4 0 0
%i's Hold Resist T-Shirt leather 4 0 0
%i's Magic Resist T-Shirt leather 4 0 0
Agile Crown of Mummy Lord gold 6 -2 0
Eye of Seer animalmatter 6 0 0
Vampire's Cloak cloth 6 -2 3
Easter Bunny Cloak cloth 4 -1 25
Easter Bunny Boots leather 4 -2 0
Easter Bunny Gloves leather 4 0 0