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Yeah that's true, items with a sell value of 0 could be set to dissolve so everyone doesn't have to throw them on the ground - however, I don't think my suggestion is under consideration.
Hey Charles, I found an NPC in Diad that sells the lasta armor/weapons, so the NPC would need to be either removed or the costs of the items increased (as you wouldn't want someone buying a sword for 1k and reselling for 5k). Is there any chance…
I found a few more common items that are obtained through popular hunting zones with a sell value of 1 to the vendors: Lastabad Blade, Lastabad Bow, Lastabad Robe, Lastabad Studded Leather Armor
I also found the following to have a sell value of 1 at the vendor: Helmet of Wind, Lastabad One-handed spear, and Lastabad round sheild
Hey Charles! The Iron Plate Mail and Iron Visor cannot be dissolved. I wanted to add that if you decided to add a value to these items at the vendor, instead of making them sell to all vendors you could just add to one vendor's buy list.. for ex…
Hello all,
I would first like to say how much I have enjoyed the server, Charles and crew thank you so much for all of your work and dedication, the server is one of the best I've played since private servers started. I have noticed that cert…
This sounds awesome! Some variety for EXP zones would be amazing!
It has been stated the server goes live this Friday. To login to test server just go into the discord channel, click on announcements, and download the server files through google drive. For test server you just type in your desired account inf…