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Not that I could find when I was looking. For the Ant Cave part two can be located with in one hole (diffrent floors) and the other was a diffrent hole Southish of the inital hole.
Thanks guess dual boxing will get more fun. Got to up my skills.
Welcome back! I just recently returned myself, and if you haven't seen it yet, there's a pinned thread above with guides for everyone.
A quick heads-up: while most things are the same, there are a few changes worth noting. For example, in…
Noobie ^_^
Has healer agro been added to the game? Was working with a DE mate to kill a boss and no matter how much or little I seem to heal I kept getting the agro o.o.
Easy fix, use the jLauncher.exe. this will luach the english build of the game. Its in the same folder.
Just came back to the game and its neice to see post like this ^_^ I enjoyed the "blonw" items.