Damn, no warning to the general community. Now I won't be the top dog.
I don't think the MR/Illu damage should be touched until we see the numbers in play. Korea and Japan both felt it necessary to leave Illusionist damage as is.
Right on, had to double check my thoughts, lol.
- Fixed incorrect Illusionist spell book names (Patience showing as Eyes Breaker).
Actually the new name is Eye Breaker. Patience was removed/changed. The spell should now act like Detection.
Wish people would stop asking for Dragon Knight to use DK poly. What's next, Elf use DK poly with a bow, just make attacks one cell?
I want fireworks in every town and little Orc Santas running around giving out presents.
Any way to download the connector without redownloading the entire client? Forgot to perma flag the file in Windows Defender.
But when is launch!
Modify your registry manually and make sure you restart. Also, the GMs have said the Test Server is not on the same hardware as the Live Server. There are also several ways to boost performance. People like myself or Tricid can offer to …
Well the highest level Knight on LElites is an INT Knight, using Level 3 Scrolls in GP... stupid as hell.
If this helps you sleep at night.
I like it. You'll see after a week or two of the server being live, new players will get one shot before they even hit 50. It inflates any KDA of the troll and pushes new players away. Maybe 20 level difference, 10 seems too lo…
Great work! Impatiently waiting.
These scrolls are always abused when they are purchasheable from NPCs.
Works for me. Try this: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bMr91wUxA8hqblZdR4H8npKv_ncYjTGV