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As far as I know, players who have delvled also lose exp from deaths and that's the only risk they should be exposed to. Whether delvling was intended by NCsoft or not, it's been around for years and most people tend to f…
That is a dumb idea, how is a lvl 40 delvled player supposed to compete against a 70+ ?
In case you didn't know, levels provide Hit, Dmg, ER, AC, landing probability/resist and passive Stun resist and now you're telli…
So pretty much RPKing isn't a problem because you actually see your attacker and you can do something about it in most situations. When it comes to COI ganks, then it's a different story and that's something that need to be fixed asap. F…
Here are the issues with the whole chao thing
1. There is no way to tell the level of a player (except specific polymorphs) but if a Mage uses Death Knight poly, how am I suppose to know if he's fresh 52 or 75+ ? People tend to…
You want higher proc rate ? Read this post https://www.zelgo.net/linweb/topic/read/902. The higher your Int and Magical Accuracy are, the higher your thebes weapon will proc.
P.S. Magical Accuracy is only obtainable from base stats bonus at …
I hope you do realize that Zelgo has been around for about 5 years and the highest lvl is like 83 or maybe 84. If my calculations are correct, even a 18 Con base Knight would barely reach HP cap at those levels. Although, some classes…
What about DEs and Mages ? Are they going to evaporate when using Invisibility spell ? lol...
Here are the real issues with DE:
1. In PvP scenarios they can't immobilize their target while Knights/Illus can Stun and DKs can use Thunder Grab. On Zelgo, we discussed about adding a snare proc to the Fid Edo, which was a g…
So let me briefly recap:
-you want Braves
-you want AoE and Stun proc weapons
-you want your spells to last longer and cost less or no ressources
Sorry to tell you that pal, but what you want to play is a Knight.
Delvling is available to anyone so I dont see this as an "issue" or an "exploit". It takes a lot of time to delvl/relvl and you canno`t use a candle afterwards (otherwise, you have to delvl again to lvl 10 and lose all the work y…
Heine also has a dungeon lol, it makes more money with taxes from Elixirs than Giran or Kent, it has the NPC to complete Moonbow in the basement and finally, the long run to the tower in Heine castle is annoying as !#$%.