- HP CAP is a major feature on classes.
If HP CAP is modified in any way. I would like that GMs swap my class for another:
The problem is the death XP penalty. It should be raised. Now it's meaningless to die past lvl 73. But, this c…
The only way for a server to have durability is to make things need an effort. Contrary what people thinks.
- Wipe yearly.
- No soft cap increase.
- Death XP penalty raised at higher levels (and I die a lot).
- Increase COI delay on all …
I didn't answer to the post. Because I never stated that STR bonus was wrong for DE or any other class.
I stated that DE multipliers apply BEFORE str bonuses, rendering STR DE a suboptimal class. But this is my opinion. Obviously, each point …
It's a boost to XP that you get if your character gets after level 49.
The faster you gain XP the faster it depletes. It doesn't mean that it boosts at the ratio of 1% of Einhasad 1% current level. It is less.
It increases (to max amou…
The main issue is the rewards you get out of fighting. After being more active in PvP the last 2 weeks than in 10 years.
1) There is a bunch of people that the reward itself is fighting. BBQ. I am pretty sure about that. SO fighting by…
Thsi is Lineage. Mocking is part of it :) And I was only half joking. DE my favourite class. I just don't play it. I mean I like the concept and the skill-set.
But you are right about the post. So back on track.
- Upper lower dice roll on …
You want DE balance with what? You mean that DE is more played?
The developers, that understand the game, are already addressing this. Ronde's Edo.
Everyone had a AoE weapon or way to power level but DE.
To PvP you need Level and equipm…
Edo that lands stun. I am playing elf my first time in my lineage.. Euhhh.. Career. Played knight at live.
But I loved DEs. I even leveled a DE to 68 live.
Bring it on. Edo that stuns.
Lets play just one class!!!
The thing is not everyone plays Lineage for PvP.
I have some compulsion disorder, and grinding satisfy a great deal. There is people that likes pure PvE.
Even though, I like to PvP. And I sure can relate to people that plays to PvP.
I would…
Despise I had my confrontations with Shitcoins. I have to admit that the player has solid arguments. Irrelevant if I agree or disagree to them.
Mage, elf, knight.
The rest are luxuries in PvP.
DE is fair balanced PvP. On similar level…
Fucking awesome... I guess I will die while grinding Lineage 1.
Forgot to say: thanks Charles for the clarification.
52 - 64. Same XP.
65 - 69. Double.
70 - 71. Double.
72. Double.
73. Double.
74. Double.
75. Double.
You got the drill...
As an overseas player, I am glad you put effort on the siege times monitoring. Even if it means less PvP for me.
Thanks for all the great work.
Is the ring slot for level 76 available on this server?
If it's not, is it planned to be added on a future release (date?)?
Same for rune slot.
I started a knight yesterday :p
By the way, I have to run a test set of 100 tries, but pretty sure stun resist doesn't work properly on Stun shock.
Will post some results.
Also, that Armor Break can't land on NPCs is a hug…