Pet Suggestions
A few things that would alleviate some minor annoyances with pets. Not sure if they are possible at all but just ideas
1. Perm hasted: Can we just have pets permanently hasted vs. feeding pots OR can they drink haste pots like they do healing pots?
2. Keep equipment: Can equipment remain on pets vs. having to equip each time
Re: Pet Suggestions
Or another option to consolidate some of the steps: Adding a haste effect when pet is wearing armor/fangs
Re: Pet Suggestions
1. Perm hasted: Can we just have pets permanently hasted vs. feeding pots OR can they drink haste pots like they do healing pots?
It would be cool if they drank haste pots if carrying them, back i nthe day they used to get hasted when lvling up at a certain point,
perm hasted would be a waste of charles time cause would they be hasted when the pet is revived or just when taken out of the kennel would it apply if they were whistled?
not sure about you i don't mind hasting my pets i haste them when i haste myself so they are on the same timer and just a few extra clicks.2. Keep equipment: Can equipment remain on pets vs. having to equip each time
So like when kenneled they would keep it? Would it follow the collar if traded to another toon? sounds more work than its worth imo
to move to a new pet or replace would you have to take them out and remove it by hand? Also sounds like a lot of programming for charles.
I wouldn't mind auto equipping gear if given to pets that can wear gear that would save time imo.3.Or another option to consolidate some of the steps: Adding a haste effect when pet is wearing armor/fangs
This would only work for evo'd pets and dragons.
would they need both fang/armor or one or the other?
i wouldn't mind using the extra gear slots and be able to use more gear on them.
maybe have a haste gear to cover the above request. -
Re: Pet Suggestions
Don't mind hasting them the first time - the problem is I have 5 pets lol. Also whenever pets are put away, then I have all their gear which makes me overweight. There's also the point when your pets have too much in their inventory and you can no longer feed haste pots.
So here's a typical flow when I either login or have to restart (say I'm in Dream Island)
1. Put on CHA gear to take out pets
2. Take out pets - haste each one, give clears to each one, give gear to each one, equip gear for each one
3. Switch back to normal gear
Re: Pet Suggestions
Don't mind hasting them the first time - the problem is I have 5 pets lol. Also whenever pets are put away, then I have all their gear which makes me overweight. There's also the point when your pets have too much in their inventory and you can no longer feed haste pots.
So here's a typical flow when I either login or have to restart (say I'm in Dream Island)
1. Put on CHA gear to take out pets
2. Take out pets - haste each one, give clears to each one, give gear to each one, equip gear for each one
3. Switch back to normal gear
This is the life if a pet user, you could always just candle to cha and not have to worry about as much gear swapping or even us 8 pets.
but i do understand, not sure which class you are but with 5 pets you sound like an elf or mage, so you could always just cast haste from the spell instead of worrying about potions.
I too run 5~ pets and the prep for it is a bit timly but it beats dealing with 5 other players and pets are a big responsibility. :) -
Re: Pet Suggestions
i think a haste armor or fang for pets would be great it is just annoying hasting pets all the time dont see the value in gameplay doing so
Re: Pet Suggestions
One of the contraints is that you can cancel pets... so lets say you are fighting a cougar mage... you can cancel their cougar as a defence.. thoughts on negating that?
GM Charles - Global Admin & Developer - Server / Website
Re: Pet Suggestions
If armor provides haste then it won't matter since summons can't wear armor.. or can they?
Re: Pet Suggestions
I feel as with any pvp if you do it( i don't personally pvp) if they cancle your pet or you then you need to rebuff which i am 100% behind as to level the playing field
granted from what i know as a elf my defence for a cougar if i ever pvp or get attacked i would cast return to nature on it, but i do believe paralize, slow, and other things work on pets which is also useful.
I am 100% behind making pets stay canclable and debuffable ( if they are) -
Re: Pet Suggestions
I can't think of a counter to cancelling a cougar at the moment, but if you had a haste armor/weapon for a pet, then a timer would seem reasonable to rehaste. With a berserker axe all you have to do is unarm/rearm to rehaste.
Re: Pet Suggestions
Another suggestion is to have a command that will show you the drops that go to your pet as you hunt. Some people bring pets to grind certain monsters just to get a particular item - e.g. I would grind Cyclops with battle tigers just to get the Silence spellbook. It would be a bit more convenient if we don't have to stop and check the pets' inventory from time to time.
Re: Pet Suggestions
aside from summons/tames you can just talk to the pet and see what its carrying.
The point of summons/tames not doing that is they are monsters who have been enslaved not animals that have been raised and cared for for the long term (ie collared pets)
not sure which you are asking for so just gave a broad answer.
Re: Pet Suggestions
I know I can talk to the pet. I mean a command that will make the drops to the pets be announced in the chat window as you hunt, like "Cyclops gave Battle Tiger Spell Book - Silence", so that I don't even need to talk to the pet.
Re: Pet Suggestions
that sounds like a lot of coding for no real reason. the game is about the grind so just hunt for a while then check your pets or just talk to your pets they like it when you talk to them.
much better things to work on in the mean time like client updates,events and such.
but it is a neat idea, if it did get coded it would show all party member pet drops also or just your pets to you?