Lineage Justice

Spells & Skills

Lookup and validate skills and spells.

MP: 0 HP: 35 Item: None Amount: N/A Duration: 3 Skill Type: Attack
Delay: 4000 Cast Invis: No Ignores CM: No Element: Wind Range: 8 Area: N/A
Dmg Value: 40.0 Dmg Dice: 8 Dice Count: 5 Prob Value: 35 Prob Dice: 0 Prob Max: 50
L1SkillUse Execution:

if (_skill.getType() == L1Skill.TYPE_ATTACK
		&& _user.getId() != cha.getId()) {
	if (_user instanceof L1PcInstance) {
	if (isUseCounterMagic(cha)) {
		if(cha instanceof L1PcInstance && _user instanceof L1PcInstance) {
			L1PcInstance target = (L1PcInstance) cha;
			((L1PcInstance) _user)._pinkName.onAction(target);
	dmg = _magic.calcMagicDamage(_skillId);
	_dmg = dmg;
	if(_skillId != TRIPLE_ARROW)
L1Magic Calculation:

public int calcMagicDamage(int skillId) {
	int damage = 0;
	if (_calcType == PC_PC || _calcType == NPC_PC) {
		damage = calcPcMagicDamage(skillId);
	} else if (_calcType == PC_NPC || _calcType == NPC_NPC) {
		damage = calcNpcMagicDamage(skillId);
	damage = calcMrDefense(damage);
	damage = calcExceptionMagicDamage(skillId, damage);
	if (_calcType == PC_NPC && _pc.getDmgMessages()) {
		_pc.sendPackets(new S_SystemMessage(L1NamedSkill.getName(skillId)
				+ " Dealt:" + String.valueOf(damage)));
	return damage;
L1SkillUse Execution:

if (_skillId == THUNDER_GRAB) {
	boolean hitsTarget = _magic.calcProbabilityMagic(_skillId);
	RandomGenerator random = RandomGeneratorFactory

	if(hitsTarget && !(cha.hasSkillEffect(STATUS_HOLD))) {
		int durationCalculator = random.nextInt(400);
		int time = 0;
		if(durationCalculator >= 335) {
			time = 4000; // 16% chance for 4 second
		} else if(durationCalculator >= 210) {
			time = 3000; // 32% chance for 3 second
		} else if(durationCalculator >= 80) {
			time = 2000; // 31% chance for 2 second
		} else {
			time = 1000; // 20% chance for 1 second
		L1EffectSpawn.getInstance().spawnEffect(81182, time,
				cha.getX(), cha.getY(), cha.getMapId());
		if (cha instanceof L1PcInstance) {
			L1PcInstance targetPc = (L1PcInstance) cha;
			targetPc.setSkillEffect(STATUS_FREEZE, time);
			targetPc.sendPackets(new S_SkillSound(targetPc
					.getId(), 4184));
			targetPc.broadcastPacket(new S_SkillSound(targetPc
					.getId(), 4184));
			targetPc.sendPackets(new S_Paralysis(
					S_Paralysis.TYPE_BIND, true));
		} else if (cha instanceof L1MonsterInstance
				|| cha instanceof L1SummonInstance
				|| cha instanceof L1PetInstance) {
			L1NpcInstance npc = (L1NpcInstance) cha;
			npc.setSkillEffect(STATUS_HOLD, time);
			npc.broadcastPacket(new S_SkillSound(npc.getId(),