Lineage Justice

Spells & Skills

Lookup and validate skills and spells.

MP: 10 HP: 50 Item: None Amount: N/A Duration: 1800 Skill Type: Change
Delay: 10 Cast Invis: Yes Ignores CM: Yes Element: None Range: N/A Area: N/A
Dmg Value: 0.0 Dmg Dice: 0 Dice Count: 0 Prob Value: 0 Prob Dice: 0 Prob Max: N/A
L1PcInstance Weight:

public double getMaxWeight() {
	int str = getStr();
	int con = getCon();
	double maxWeight = 150 * (Math.floor(0.6 * str + 0.4 * con + 1));

	double weightReductionByArmor = getWeightReduction();
	weightReductionByArmor /= 100;
	double weightReductionByDoll = 0; 
	weightReductionByDoll += L1MagicDoll.getWeightReductionByDoll(this);
	weightReductionByDoll /= 100;

	int weightReductionByMagic = hasSkillEffect(DECREASE_WEIGHT) ? 180 : 0;

	double originalWeightReduction = 0.04 * (getOriginalStrWeightReduction() + getOriginalConWeightReduction());

	double weightReduction = 1 + weightReductionByArmor
			+ weightReductionByDoll + originalWeightReduction;

	maxWeight *= weightReduction;

	maxWeight += weightReductionByMagic;

	maxWeight *= Config.RATE_WEIGHT_LIMIT;

	return maxWeight;