Lineage Justice


Lookup map information.

Monster Respawn Delay Count LocX LocY
Lesser Demon 0 - 0 35 32724 32830
Shiboin of Earth 0 - 0 4 32853 32806
Shiboin of Earth 0 - 0 12 32736 32859
Shiboin of Fire 0 - 0 12 32811 32793
Shiboin of Fire 0 - 0 4 32853 32806
Shiboin of Waves 0 - 0 4 32853 32806
Shiboin of Waves 0 - 0 12 32801 32868
Shiboin of Wind 0 - 0 12 32739 32786
Shiboin of Wind 0 - 0 4 32853 32806
NPC Loc X Loc Y
Agent of Varlok 32852 32838
Consul 32848 32826
Dimension Door 32868 32834
Dimension Door 32832 32787
Dimension Door 32839 32870
Dimension Door 32754 32786
Dimension Door 32743 32858
Trembling Person 32848 32838