Lineage Justice


Lookup map information.

Monster Respawn Delay Count LocX LocY
Guardsman of Yahee 0 - 0 6 32702 32896
Guardsman of Yahee 0 - 0 6 32702 32896
Guardsman of Yahee 0 - 0 6 32702 32896
Guardsman of Yahee 0 - 0 6 32702 32896
Guardsman of Yahee 0 - 0 6 32702 32896
Guardsman of Yahee 0 - 0 6 32702 32896
Guardsman of Yahee 0 - 0 6 32702 32896
Guardsman of Yahee 0 - 0 6 32702 32896
Boss Cycle LocX LocY
Yahee DK 32733 32894