Lineage Justice


Lookup map information.

Monster Respawn Delay Count LocX LocY
Diego 0 - 0 1 32737 32890
Goblin of Ordeal 0 - 0 1 32768 32922
Goblin of Ordeal 0 - 0 1 32764 32930
Goblin of Ordeal 0 - 0 1 32760 32928
Goblin of Ordeal 0 - 0 1 32761 32924
Goblin of Ordeal 0 - 0 1 32765 32920
Skeletal Pirate Captain 20 - 20 3 32737 32890
Spirit of Drake 0 - 0 1 32798 32875
NPC Loc X Loc Y
Crystal of Ordeal 32772 32924
Crystal of Ordeal 32806 32859