Lineage Justice

Database Items

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Item Note Safe Enchant Range 1H/2H Material Dmg Sm Smg Lg Damageable
Orcish Dagger 6 1 1H iron 2 3 1
Dice Dagger 6 1 1H iron 1 3 1
Dagger 6 1 1H iron 4 2 1
Elven Dagger 6 1 1H mithril 4 3 1
Lastavard Dagger 6 1 1H iron 4 3 1
Ivory Tower Dagger -1 1 1H iron 9 9 1
Mithril Dagger 6 1 1H mithril 6 5 1
Oriharukon Dagger 6 1 1H oriharukon 7 7 0
Lastavard Blade 6 1 1H iron 8 8 1
Dagger of Crystal 6 1 1H silver 10 4 1
Wind Blade Dagger Procs: HP Leach 0 1 1H blackmithril 23 16 0
Finger of Death 6 1 1H iron 16 4 1
Claw of Chaos 0 1 1H bone 18 2 1
Sword of Red Desire 6 1 1H mithril 10 8 1
Sword of Legend 6 1 1H silver 8 8 0
unknown 4 1 1H iron 16 4 1
Dagger of Magic Power Procs: Mana Leach 6 1 1H mithril 6 4 1
Shadow Wind Blade Dagger Procs: HP Leach 0 1 1H blackmithril 23 16 0
Dagger (Blessed) 6 1 1H iron 4 2 1
Elven Dagger (Blessed) 6 1 1H mithril 4 3 1
Mithril Dagger (Blessed) 6 1 1H mithril 6 5 1
Oriharukon Dagger (Blessed) 6 1 1H oriharukon 7 7 0
Orcish Dagger (Cursed) 6 1 1H iron 2 3 1
Dice Dagger (Cursed) 6 1 1H iron 1 3 1
Dagger of Blue Sky (Blessed) 7 1 2H steel 8 6 1
Dagger of Blue Sky (Blessed) 7 1 1H steel 8 6 1
Dagger of Blue Sky (Blessed) 7 1 1H steel 8 6 1