5 posts found
On a Win 11 laptop. The display is mirrored and some weird multicolored filter when in fullscreen mode. Screenshot appears normal so its strange. Everything is fine when in window mode. Anyone know how to fix?
There are tons of different offshoots that might be possible, but you would have to mess around with them to see which ones are actually playable, and they'll all heavily rely on good gear. Keep in mind that you wouldn't want to sw…
Remove silver arrows as an option from the magic quiver. Having to keep multiple quivers on an alt is annoying. Reduce the cooldown to 12 hours instead of 24 hours.
Make elven wafers walk, shoot, and cast the same as a brave potion (at …
Royals should get the same damage and hit bonuses that Knights do (1 damage every 10 levels and 1 hit every 3, I think, if they don't already).
Fortified shirt should also either be completely removed from the game (if it hasn't been alre…
Sayha bow was good for a time but then other options came out and became more plentiful, so the use of sayha dropped and was not worth the effort to make it.
For the top bows on live you had kaiser for max damage (but had low …