8 posts found
Hi GM,
i dont know if anyone report this yet, but when i open shop mode window and drag it to buying items. there is 8 boxes but when i missed to drag in the 8 boxes. the items get deleted. couple of my items have been removed from my invent…
we need HouseKeeper to be able to have access to our own and pledge Storage.
Hi GM,
I love the new change to the ML for Royal. +5 Stun Resistance. But the change to safe enchant wasnt a good move or fair for other player who spend a lot of adena to buy +7 (old ML safe enchat at +5). if you spend 50-100m adena on old +7. n…
when using ID scroll on foods, its should show the food stats. dont like it, when i need to open book to see what stats is the food.
GM why 1 person say something stupid on global and the rest of server suffer? why not temp ban that person account?
thank you it work.
i cannot login but i still can see the server online.
Its said "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. if you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click quit, the application will close immediately.
Method not found:"!!0 Syst…