Cannot run L1J
After clicking Justice live, I get a black screen and window saying Create surface FAILED! 88760234
Re: Cannot run L1J
CreateSurface has been resolved forever, check out the search functions on discord or forums.
GM Charles - Global Admin & Developer - Server / Website
Re: Cannot run L1J
Hello, looks like this issue is resurfaced. I have downloaded per instruction and when launching with Justice Live, received error code "CreateSurface FAILED! 88760234". How can I get pass this? Thank you.
Re: Cannot run L1J
CreateSurface has been resolved forever, check out the search functions on discord or forums.
GM Charles - Global Admin & Developer - Server / Website
Re: Cannot run L1J
Thanks Charles, I can get in now.
Resolution: Right click on the launcher > Properties > Compatibility > Change high DPI settings > Check "Overright high DPI scaling behavior: Application" > Ok > Apply > Ok.