From the coffin to the wizard stat
It is normal to increase the spell by 1 spell per 2 ste stats from wizard ste stats 25 and above. Please check.
Re: From the coffin to the wizard stat
I checked. Everything is right. Its a table.
GM Charles - Global Admin & Developer - Server / Website
Re: From the coffin to the wizard stat
So int 25 or higher is not a spell, 35 int is meaningless?
So what does it do if the int goes up from 25 or above?
3.8 In the Korean server version, from int 25 or higher, to 1 spal per int 2 stat. Please note.
Re: From the coffin to the wizard stat
SP increases again at 36 i think.. and the INT helps with spell damage, and success, ect. Everything is correct based on the current client I believe.
GM Charles - Global Admin & Developer - Server / Website
Re: From the coffin to the wizard stat
until int25 sp increases as well so int (success+damage) + sp (damage)
after int26 just increases (success+damage) no more additional damage...
however i believe int is more important then sp...
if u int mage u want full int..so at least u may land magic when he got erase. if u int25 ur magic may not land when he got erase lol