Update: Server Updates 10-07-20
The Ice Cave Renewal update is now live! For full details you can read here: Ice Crystal Cave Renewal
With this update the following changes and bug fixes are also now live:
General Updates:
- Fixed the bonus EXP from Killing Antharas dragon gltiching the level up.
- Improved code for chainsword in DK poly being 1 cell, and changing back to 2 cell when the poly is removed.
- Noob ToS will send you back to Oren Town when you restart, escape or die.
- Temple of Shadows (ToS) will send you back to Oren Town when you restart, escape or die.
- Removed karma from mobs that spawn in Ivory Tower timed dungeon.
- Fixed a bug that should fix the 'disappearing buffs' bug that started once the Dragon Raid Buff was updated.
- If this continues to happen, please notify me.
- Fixed a map bug which stops Mambo Rabbit (Orange Vest) from spawning inside a few specific walls.
- Report this if it continues to happen, that map had a few bad spots.
- Fixed (hopefully) the teleport bug that locks the player up on teleport leaving them with the only option to force quit.
- This was common when teleporting while going up stairs, or getting teleported in places like Noob ToS
- Pine wands can only be used in Normal zones (Not Combat)
- Tames will now disappear when released in safety zones.
- Aqua Protect can be cast while invis.
- Concentration can be cast while invis.
- Fixed math error with the min stun rate when level difference was too high. Finally works as inteneded.
- Fixed unchecked input from Emote Packet that could of been exploited to cause crashes of others (was not being exploited, but now it can't).
- Player emotes are now included in excludes. You can now exclude a player if you do not wish to see their emote spam in towns.
- Can no longer drop items in trade zones.
- Elven Cloak will allow Elves to regen HP when overweight.
- Fixed the price of the Feather Town Turbans, so the higher timed items are now in line with the cost of feathers.
- Lowered the price of the Blue Sky items from Feather town by 50% to try and make them more useful and affordable.
- Added a confirmation when changing karma sides to prevent accidental Karma changes!! It will now CONFIRM IT! Please stop accidently changing sides.
- Added -Emblem command to enable/disable the displaying of a pledges emblem. Tricks each players client exclusively into thinking their pledge is at war with the other pledge. Can be used to display your own emblem, or the emblem of any other existing pledge.
The new -emblem command can be used on your own pledge, if you wish to see just your emblems. If you want to see only an enemy, use -emblem enemyBp On which will enable both yours, and the enemies. You can then use -emblem ownBp Off to turn yours back off.
GM Charles - Global Admin & Developer - Server / Website